Wednesday, May 12, 2010

And They're Off . . .

It's May 12. I'm checking my gear and packing list one last time to see what I forgot (many items, I'm sure).

I fly out of Dulles at 22:50. Therese is driving me up (to make sure that I get on the plane). It's a long flight to Doha (13 hours) and a long layover (6 hours) before another long flight to Kathmandu (4 1/2 hours).

Gerry called yesterday to discuss the packing list. We'll see what he brings besides his tshirts (including the Michael Jackson one) and running shorts. His plane leaves Dublin on Thursday morning, the Icelandic volcano willing. We will hopefully meet up in Doha.

Here's the itinerary for the trip. I will try to post some updates in Kathmandu and while in the mountains. There are internet cafes in Lukla and Namche Bazaar and possibly higher up in the mountains.

See you In Nepal!

Mark and Gerry's Everest Itinerary

May 12 Depart Dulles at 22:50
May 13 Arrive Doha at 18:30
May 14 Depart Doha at 1:05
Arrive Kathmandu at 08:30 (4,429 ft)
May 15 Kathmandu touring
May 16 Fly to Lukla (9,383 ft)
May 17 Phakding (8,700 ft)
May 18 Namche Bazaar (11,286 ft)
May 19 Acclimatization day in Namche
May 20 Acclimatization day in Namche
May 21 Tyangboche (13,090 ft)
May 22 Dingboche (14,468 ft)
May 23 Acclimatization day in Dingboche
May 24 Lobuche (16,076 ft)
May 25 Gorakshep (16,961 ft)
May 26 Climb Kala Pattar (18,192 ft)
return to Gorekshep (16,961 ft)
May 27 Everest Base Camp (17,593 ft)
May 28 Rest day at EBC
May 29 Tenzing Hillary Everest Marathon at 7:00 am
EBC to Namche Bazaar (11,286 ft)
May 30 Monjo (9,514 ft)
May 31 Lukla (9,383 ft)
June 1 Fly to Kathmandu
June 2 Free day in Kathmandu!
June 3 Depart for home at 19:55
June 4 Arrive Dulles at 16:00


Maureen Lee said...

Good Luck Mark! Both you and Therese are inspiring! I will follow your blog to see how things are going. Be safe......

KatieMWillis said...


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