Thursday, April 15, 2010


If we're going to spend nearly a month in Nepal, I need to learn at least some basic phrases and sentences in Nepali. I don't want to be the ugly American (or Gerry the ugly Irishman) and expect everyone to speak English. I'll make an attempt to learn a bit.

However, learning languages is not my forte. My entire exposure to other languages is two years of German in high school -- and I was not the best student. So this is going to be a challenge.

Unfortunately, Nepali is not a language that is taught through the popular online programs such as Berlitz or Rosetta Stone. I did find one CD at Amazon and some online print material, but YouTube is the motherload for instruction in Napali. The videos that are posted are pretty basic and don't use the modern language teaching techniques used by the big online providers. But I can hear the pronunciation and try to follow it.

Here's the basic phrases so far:

Namaste -- Hello.
Mero naam Mark Willis ho -- My name is Mark Willis.
Tapaaiko naam ke ho? -- What is your name?
Kasto chha? -- How are you?
Sanchai -- Fine.
Yasko kati ho? -- How much is this?
Mero saathi biraami bhayo -- My friend is sick.
La, dishaa laagnu jasto cho - Looks like he has the runs.
Namaste - Good bye.

Well, there's the basics. I have a lot more to do.

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